Choices can never be made sight unseen; every detail is analysed, investigated, tailored and expressed in graphics software for a highly realistic design. Only in this way may a detailed choice be implemented.

Beginning with a simple sketch and culminating in a personalised book enabling you to immediately visualise the finished space.

The design process does not stop at the furniture but embraces all interior details, from the flooring to the curtains and even the pictures. From the choice of art works to lighting of the space.

LE MURA ARREDAMENTI | 41/A, Viale Del Lavoro - 37036 San Martino Buon Albergo (VR) - Italia | P.I. 02466150238 | Tel. +39 045 995334 | Fax. +39 045 995380 | | Legal information | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Sitemap